The Process - Following Jesus.

On this website, you will find a wealth of resources designed to equip pastors, ministers, mission agencies, local churches, and leaders for their diverse roles and responsibilities within their communities. These resources represent a comprehensive equipping process that goes beyond mere information dissemination; it is a holistic approach aimed at empowering individuals and organisations to thrive in their respective ministries.

Drawing inspiration from Jesus' own methods, as documented in the Gospels, this equipping process emphasises not just the what, but the how of ministry. It delves into the relational aspects of leadership, the transformative power of authentic discipleship, and the importance of community engagement. By aligning with Jesus' model, these resources offer a framework that encourages reflection, adaptation, and ongoing growth.

Following Jesus Process - Book Cover

Introducing ideas & resources for multiplying disciples, planting churches & cultivating movements. Evangelism has become so complicated most feel they cannot do it, but Jesus modelled, taught and commissioned a process that you will enjoy. Disciple making is for everyone.